
August 24, 2008

Infinite Bounds - No Limit for Questioning

What is the universe? Or is it multiverse? ( I prefer multiverse, opens up so many varied possibilities! I could bunk a class and be in a million different places at once) (maybe I'm a ninjitsu warrior in one parallel universe. That would be so cool). Does the time-curve wrap around itself at the beginning ( or is it the end?) of time-space? Is there a "source wall" (a.k.a God to the faithful) ? Why don't we have 2 arms for 24 hours (be easier to accomplish a lot more with more hands. Maybe the number of arms is proportional to the number of hours in a day. Does that mean Jupitarians have more limbs? I should ask my friend in DimensionX-42. She would know most of the answers. Highly learned, she is.) What makes us social beings? Why do we desire the company of our peers? Why do we need a lesser, biologically non-confirming, Darwinism detractor to push around and throw our weight on? ARE we really social beings? Where did Elvis go when he left the building? Who took a potshot at JFK? Why did Mark David Chapman commit the single, greatest crime in the history of mankind? Why is Blackadder not so famous? Why didn't I realise I hadn't watched the 1st series of Blackadder when I'd already finished the 2nd & 3rd? How can love happen at first sight when love happens to be blind? Why do lemmings commit mass suicide? Why do people enjoy killing each other? Are men from Mars (I'm an alien life-form? Alright!)? Why did George Michael turn gay? Where's the needle in the hay? Why did Simon & Garfunkel decide to break off? Why did no one perceive Hitler's intentions? Why was Custer so stupid? Why are girls so beautiful? Where does Mark Knopfler get his inspirations from? Why do some people have shades of grey in them (while others have streaks of yellow, yet others are green in the gills, yellow-bellied, ashen) ?


La said...

:) I prefer multiverse, opens up so many varied possibilities! I could bunk a class and be in a million different places at once) (maybe I'm a ninjitsu warrior in one parallel universe. That would be so cool

I prefer the multiverse too. As a kid I used to think that every thought I thought went to some other world to become real :)

can't you get rid of this word verification thingy? I have to verify bhfcoin and I don't want to :P

perfect melange said...

oh wait! you must be Vicky.(the blackaddder stuff) Wait! isn't your blog supposed to be the holeygrail thingy. then why is it blogspot? unless you aren't Vicky...
guess i'm not as learned as you think... :-)

Rookie said...

What word verification, La? I have no problem. Must be on your settings.

La said...

no see, everytime i have to leave a comment i have to word verify. in your settings, click on the comments tab and there, scroll down and the last but third option is "Word Verification for comments?" say "No". Then we won't have to word verify anymore.

"pipxcpzh" :P