
May 17, 2014

An Alliterative Anecdote

An abnormally active arachnid ambuscaded me,
Beguilingly buried between the sheets and bed,
I contemplating catching, or chucking him in the can,
Devious devil! Descended deftly, afore I doomed it dead.

Ere I exclaimed at its existence, it exited the eiderdown,
Forging forward on the floor to the fastness beneath the futon,
Grouchy and grumpy at the gossamer-spinner's gag,
With hazy head of hibernation holding, hampering hate,
I immediately inspired myself, imagining impaling it instead.

Jumping and jerking to a jig was jolly-jack attercop,
Kill it! Too kind; I know - put the kibosh on its kine!
Like liquidating the lot of them by leaching them in lye,
Maddened thus I maneuvered myself to maul it with a mop.
Now the nasty Anansi nipped 'neath the door in a nick,
Obviating all obstacles, not at all omphaloskeptic!

Puffing, pausing for a breath, I pursued the poisonous pariah,
Quivering and quackling with a quabbing heart, I quagswagged.
Raving, ranting in a red rage, I ran behind the rascal,
Shouting swear words that surely would cause a sailor-scandal,
Till at last, triumphantly, I tricked the trickster in turn,
Ultrageously trapped it under a upturned umbraculum-urn.

Vaingloriously and velociously, I vaulted over the vallations,
And walked over to the wame of the weeds by the water,
I bent to end the spider and drown it in the lake - when, hey!
A yellow-bellied flycatcher snatched it and flew away.

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