
October 02, 2008

Bullshit versus Bullcrap

Its time I wrote something on my blog. High time. Not that I feel the urge to write something. The sudden prick in your fingers that are just itching to pick up a pen and scribble away to glory. No, I don't particularly feel the need to put something on paper or type something on this page. But, I have a blog. Some people actually take the pains to read through all the bullcrap I post. Bullcrap- nice word. Much more sophisticated than 'Bullshit' . Bullshit sounds so crude. Bullshit has to be said with a face tailor-made for it. You know, draw in your eyebrows together. Half-close your eyelids. Scrunch up your nose. Put on a nice sneer. Make your face ugly on the whole (not that some people need any effort to do that). Now say "Bullshit!", like you mean it. That's the way to say bullshit. Way too much trouble and expenditure of energy (you need loads of practice before you can get the right facial muscles to pull to ensure a really horrible face). But, bullcrap, you can say it just like that. "Bullcrap.", nice and easy. Keep a blank face. Just make your lips form the word Bullcrap. You could roll your eyes for added effect. There it is. You can't imagine a well brought-up gentleman saying "Bullshit!". That would be extremely ungentlemanly of him. Would be telling on his "breeding", so to speak. But, you can very well see in your mind's eye, a gentleman with a top hat and a tailcoat and nicely polished shoes, a monocle and maybe a stick; walking around Piccadilly Circus saying "Bullcrap, old chap!" to a friend's query about Chelsea FC being the favourites to win the year's English Premier League title. Hmmmm, I like what I wrote. I should come up with stuff like this more often. Its something I'll read 2 weeks later and think to myself, "What was I thinking?! Really! Bullcrap versus Bullshit??!!".

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